Friday, 30 November 2012

MCRP Publications

Still available at Guisborough & Whitby Bookshops, Holman's Whitby

Thursday, 18 October 2012

Success with our latest Field Survey

We identified this crop mark in a field near Ellerby, and undertook a magnetometer survey over the whole area.  The map results from the recorded data, clearly showed an irregular shaped ditch, similar to those previously discovered around Iron Age settlements.
Auger soil sampling tests proved the presence of the ditch, but further investigations will be needed.

The difference in soil texture and colour proved the existence of a ditch
approximately 2m wide by 1m deep at it's widest point.

Another successful Exhibition

Mickleby local history group held another fantastic exhibition on 14th October.  Over 50 people dropped in to see all the interesting field finds discovered around the village, look up ancestors on old census information, see the results of recent geophysics surveys undertaken by MCRP group members and take a look at a draft of the soon-to-be published heritage trail around Mickleby to Ugthorpe.  Added interest was supplied through a display of old farm machinery and implements.

Can anyone identify this object, brought in by a resident?

Monday, 24 September 2012

Recent Photos

Site Visit to Mulgrave Woods with
Cleveland Mining Heritage Society 22.9.12

Tom Watson Exhibition, Lythe Village Hall, 1st & 2nd September
ateended over the weekend by 200 people

Community Archaeology Next Visits

Wed 3rd October
Monday 8th October
Monday 22nd October  (meet 10am Hinderwell Village Hall)

Mickleby Local History Exhibition
Sunday 14th October
Village Hall (afternoon)

Thursday, 23 August 2012

Old Railway Tunnels

Watch a short video of a walk through Deepgrove and Kettleness Tunnels

Coming Events

Tom Watson Exhibition, Lythe Village Hall - Sat 1st, Sun 2nd September

Guided Walk, Staithes Foreshore to Port Mulgrave
Wed 5th September
Meet Gateway Business Centre, Bank Top Car Park 11am
The Staith, near the Cod & Lobster, 11.15am

St. Hilda Mosaic

The three panel community mosaic was started at the annual Church Garden Fete in July 2012.  Residents will have the opportunity to add more pieces at the Hinderwell Methodist Church coffee morning on Bank Holiday Monday, 27th August at 10am.

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Coming Events

Sunday 29th July
11am - 4pm
Hinderwell Village Hall
Illustrated Talk by Rosamund Jordon 2pm
Free Admission

(Early 20thC Photographer)
Lythe Village Hall
Sat 1st September
Sunday 2nd September
Free Admission

Mini Bus Visit to Roxby Mill, RAF Goldsborough and Kettleness

Two group members had recently passed their Midas Training and this was the first time the group had visited local heritage sites in a mini bus.

Click below to watch short video of the event.

Thursday, 14 June 2012

Staithes Heritage Walk

Twenty two people accompanied Kevin Cale from Community Archaeology, and long term Staithes resident, Bill Hinchley, on a guided tour of the village.  This was the second of a series of village heritage walks which will take place over the summer months.
Watch a short video at

Sunday, 3 June 2012

Kettleness Alum Works Visit

Watch a video of the guided walk on Sunday 3rd June, with Simon Chapman from Cleveland Industrial Archaeological Society

Friday, 25 May 2012

Kettleness Village Heritage Walk

Group members have prepared a walk for Thursday 26th May.
Meet 6pm, grass car park, top of cliff paths.

There will also be a visit to the Alum Works with Cleveland Industrial Archaeology on Sunday 3rd June.
Meet grass car parks, top of cliff paths.

Thursday, 10 May 2012

Kettleness Alum Works

We have organised a visit to the Alum Works led by Cleveland Industrial Archaeological Society.

Meet 1pm, grassed car park area, top of the cliffs, Kettleness

NB  access will be via cliff paths and is therefore not really suitable for people with mobility problems


Thursday, 22 March 2012


"Paddy Waddell" - Talk by Charles McNab, Cleveland Industrial Archaeological Society
Tuesday 12th June
St. Anne's Hall, Ugthorpe
Admission £2

Kevin Cale, Community Archaeologist
Next Visits - meet 10am, Hinderwell Village Hall

28th March
11th, 18th April
2nd, 16th, 23rd May, 31st May
13th, 27th June
4th, 18th July

Saturday, 3 March 2012


The Whitby to Loftus Line, by Dr. M.A. Williams, will be the first published academic research on this section of the Whitby Redcar & Middlesrough Union Railway.

It will be available at the Gateway Business Centre, Staithes by the end of March 2012.

Email or Tel  01947 844100 if you would like a copy

£19.95 or £25.00 (including recorded delivery postage)


Meet at Hinderwell Village Hall 10am

Monday 12th March
Wednesday 28th March
Wednesday 11th April
Wednesday 18th April
Wednesday 2nd May
Wednesday 16th May
Wednesday 23rd May
Thursday 31st May
Wed. 13th June
Wed 27th June
Wed 4th July
Wed 18th July

We will be continuing our field surveys in Mickleby, or if the weather is unsuitable, preparing our series of village heritage walks for this summer.

Thursday, 12 January 2012

Our first meeting in 2012

Our next meeting will be at Hinderwell Village Hall on Wednesday 25th January at 10am.
The Steering Group is meeting to plan 2012 events, and if there's time, we may continue our field surveys in Mickleby in the afternoon. 
Otherwise we will continue our Heritage Site mapping excercise from old maps, aerial maps and Google.